Where the lay and the technical meet: Using an anthropology of interfaces to explain persistent reproductive health disparities in West Africa

Despite impressive global investment in reproductive health programs in West [...]

Par |2025-01-22T16:33:50+01:0011 avril 2016|Société et développement, Société et développement|Commentaires fermés sur Where the lay and the technical meet: Using an anthropology of interfaces to explain persistent reproductive health disparities in West Africa

Rewriting abortion: Deploying medical records in jurisdictional negotiation over a forbidden practice in Senegal

Boundary work refers to the strategies deployed by professionals in [...]

Par |2014-02-19T01:00:00+01:0019 février 2014|Société et développement|Commentaires fermés sur Rewriting abortion: Deploying medical records in jurisdictional negotiation over a forbidden practice in Senegal
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